What is capacitor? and how does capacitor work?. If you learned about capacitor, you surely know what capacitor is. At my previous posting, i've made article about resistor. Now i'll tell you what capacitor is, how capacitor works in this article.
According to Wikipedia Capacitor is a passive two-terminal electrical component used to temporarily store electrical energy in an electric field. The forms of practical capacitors vary widely, but most contain at least two electrical conductors (plates) separated by a dielectric (i.e. an insulator that can store energy by becoming polarized). But i've never liked the physics explanation, because it's really confused. The Function of capacitor is storing electrical energy. But it doesn't mean capacitor works like a battery. Battery saves energy for a long time, but capacitor cannot save energy for a long time. Battery will produce electrons on one terminal which the battery has and absorb electrons on other terminal. So they was different. For understanding how capacitor works, i'll show you a picture which explains the comprehension.
Capacitor has two different plates. When capacitor was given a force to push extra electron, and first metal plate receives the electron, that condition can make some force to repel the electron on the second metal plate. It can be happening because there is a force which is named by electromagnetic field. When there are two same charges, like electron with other electron they will repel each other. That can be happening because there is some force on each electron. The force was named by "Electromagnetic field". Therefore, it makes the electron on the second metal plate was pushed by electromagnetic field from the first metal plate.
The picture is representing the capacitor when the second metal plate has been given by electron. When the second metal plate is given a force to push extra electron, and the second metal receives the electron, that condition can make an electromagnetic field. It makes the electron of the first metal plate, repelling for making normal condition on the first metal plate. Therefore, the capacitor comes back to be first condition. To be clear the comprehension, i'll show you the picture which is explaining what's the meaning of both of the two picture above.
Here we have to know the relations between picture above and both of the pictures. I'll simply explain to you about picture above. First, the battery suply the electron to the first metal plate. When the plate was full, the electromagnetic's force will repel electron on the second metal plate. After a moment, when lamp has been on, and the electron has flowed the lamp, after all of that has happened, the electron which has flowed the lamp will give extra electron to the second metal plate. The plate trying to make a normal condition. So, when electron of the second metal plate has been enough to be normal condition, it make an electromagnetic's force which repel the electron on the first metal plate. After all, both of the metal plate is being normal condition.
I think you have understood about my explaining. Thanks for visiting my blog. If i made a mistake, i am really sorry because i am just a newbie. May be my grammar is still bad, but i'll keep trying to be better. Thanks a lot.
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