Inductor is a passive electric component which makes an electromagnetic field. We usually see an inductor, in a circuit of Transmitter or Receiver. As a passive component, inductor doesn't care about charge. So if we use an inductor, we surely use the inductor easely because we don't care about the position of the inductor in the circuit. I think, we surely know about inductor because we often see in a circuit. I don't take a words from wikipedia for this comprehension. But i just told you about inductor. I haven't told you about inductance. So, i am gonna show you what inductance in the next paragraf.
What is inductance?. According to Wikipedia, inductance is the property of an electrical conductor by which a change in current through it induces an electromotive force in both the conductor itself and in any nearby conductors by mutual inductance. It means, inductor makes an electromotive force by changing the current in through. When current is flowing, there is a magnetic energy on the inductor. The magnetic field is produced by inductor when the current is flowing. The group of magnetic field is usually called by Magnetic Flux. But, the magnetic field is not always produced. The magnetic field comes back into the inductor for pushing the charge and make the current flowing faster. The energy of the magnetic field when the magnetic field is pushing the charge in the inductor is usually called by Inductance. For more understanding, i am gonna show you a picture which represents the comprehension of inductance.
The picture is representing magnetic field when current is flowing. When the current is flowing on the inductor, the coil will produce magnetic field. Current is decreasing, because current makes a lot of energy to produce the magnetic field. At the beginning, current flows slowly, because current is producing the magnetic field. But magnetic field makes electromotive force to push the electron. When the electron is pushing, current will be increasing. Therefore, the current is being stable.
I think you have understood about my explaining. Thanks for visiting my blog. If i made a mistake, i am really sorry because i am just a newbie. May be my grammar is still bad, but i'll keep trying to be better. Thanks a lot.
I think you have understood about my explaining. Thanks for visiting my blog. If i made a mistake, i am really sorry because i am just a newbie. May be my grammar is still bad, but i'll keep trying to be better. Thanks a lot.
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